Therapeutic Approach

Everyone’s experience in therapy is different and I try to tailor the therapeutic modalities I use to the unique needs of the individual. I typically use a combination of talk therapy, humor (sometimes of the dark variety), expressive arts, mind-body/somatic approaches, and trauma informed techniques. Therapy doesn’t have to be as formal and stuffy as it has been portrayed on TV.  It can be playful. It can be fun. It can be funny.

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Expressive Arts Therapy

Healing through artistic expression is an ancient practice, and is at the core of what makes us human. Expressive Arts Therapy is an approach to mental health treatment that integrates various creative practices as tools for self discovery and coping. Expressive arts can offer pathways for both verbal and non-verbal expression--which is helpful because not everyone finds it easy to express themselves with words. Art, writing, visualization, music and movement  are all tools that we can integrate into a session.  Expressive arts therapy is not about creating a beautiful work of art. It is more about healing through the experience of being creative.